Der Undertaker wird (endlich) generft!
Wie Zeriyah soeben im offiziellen Forum bekanntgegeben hat wird der [Undertaker] nun doch generft!
After the release of Goblins vs Gnomes, we kept an eye on the state of game balance as more matches were played with the new cards we introduced to Hearthstone. After careful consideration we have decided to make a balance change to the card Undertaker.
The following balance change will be made in an upcoming patch:
Undertaker now reads: Whenever you summon a minion with Deathrattle, gain +1 Attack.
- Undertaker was frustrating to play against. It often gained both Attack and Health stats significantly above those of other inexpensive minions very early in the game. With this change, we expect Undertaker will still be better than other 1-Mana minions when played in a deck with a Deathrattle theme, but more likely to die in combat against other minions.
The golden version of Undertaker can be disenchanted for its full cost for a limited time once this balance change goes live.
We will continue to make balance changes to Hearthstone when we feel they are necessary in order to increase the variety of cards seen at all levels of play, with the goal of making Hearthstone a more fun and interactive game for everyone.
Kurzfassung: Es war zu frustrierend gegen den Undertaker zu spielen und daher wird er nun für gespielte Diener mit Deathrattle nur noch extra Schaden, aber kein Leben mehr erhalten. Die Änderung wird mit einem zukünftigen Patch aufgespielt.
Was meint ihr? Wird der Undertaker somit aus der Meta verschwinden oder ist er immer noch stark genug?
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